Zastávka na cestě poznáváním uměleckých děl

Věra Chromá, Noviny Jičínska, June 10, 1995
A newspaper article from Noviny Jičínska, published on June 10, 1995, featuring a portrait of a young Linda Klarfeld in the center. The title reads, "Zastávka na cestě za poznáváním uměleckých děl" ("A stop on the journey to exploring works of art"). The article introduces Linda Klarfeld, a student of stone carving and sculpture at the Horice School of Sculpture in the Czech Republic. It discusses her journey as an artist from Australia to Europe, her family background, and her aspirations in art. The text highlights her experiences, including working with techniques she learned in Paris and Italy, and her thoughts on returning to her roots. The layout includes a single-column format with bolded subheadings.
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